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Cosmetic Dentistry





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Cosmetic Dentistry(圖1)-速報App

Cosmetic Dentistry

Some of the most beneficial procedures being done in cosmetic dentistry are as follows:

1.) Teeth whitening. This will turn your teeth into eight times whiter than your old teeth. The procedure length will depend on the type of treatment you pursue. There are two for this matter: the laser and the gel tray procedures. The4 laser will provide the whiteness you desire right after the treatment while the gel tray will be for months. But even so, the results will be highly satisfying so indulge!

2.) Teeth reshaping and resizing. This cosmetic dentistry procedure will do wonders for crooked and uneven teeth. It can also close small gaps on someone’s teeth. It may cost big for the professional’s fee and time but the result will definitely be best.

Cosmetic Dentistry(圖2)-速報App

3.) Dental bonding. This will take away all the decaying teeth you got in your mouth. A dental bonding works so much like reshaping or resizing although it concentrated more on fixing teeth and not on the shape or size. It is also worth the same as dental reshaping and resizing but you can enjoy results as soon as the visit is done.

4.) Dental veneers. Veneering is another option for dental contouring, reshaping and resizing, or bonding. You only have to put it over your teeth and enjoy the new set of even, whiter, and much aligned teeth it gives you. It also closes gaps if you have some gapped teeth. This also cost as the other two above.

5.) Dental contouring. This cosmetic dentistry procedure will provide you with even whiter teeth in less the time and cost. Enjoy results in the same price as the other three above.

Now that all the cosmetic dentistry procedures have been known to you, pick the right procedure to go through to enjoy the best results. If you think it is suited, you can go through one or two of these procedures. But of course, you have to find the perfect cosmetic dentist first who will be amenable to your desired results. As soon as you have already found one, you can now make a decision on which will be great for you with the professional advice you need.

This way, you will be able to be the best of who you are when out with other people as you don’t have t be shy of your teeth and of how you appear all the time. Be more confident and change your lifestyle with newer, whiter, and even teeth in a matter of a day or months, depending on the cosmetic dentistry procedure you go for.